Best Free Zone to Setup Business in UAE

Choosing a free zone company setup in the UAE is really important for both inexperienced and experienced businessmen. It is proven to be quite beneficial for business individuals. Experts and specialists also suggest having a free zone over choosing regional or sea sectors.

How to Choose the Best Free zone?

Although there are a lot of options in choosing a free zone company setup in the UAE, it is not quite easy to select one that you might think is the best for your company’s setup. This guide will help you choose the best free zone for your company.

Type of Business

Your first step should be to select a free zone that is best for your business setup in Dubai. If you perform more business activities in that certain free zone, then your business license cost will go up given your undertaking; at some point, you might have to get more than two licenses for your company.

Types of Licenses Approved For Your Business

There are certain types of business licenses in Dubai that you can get for your free zone; these licenses allow you to perform specific business activities in that area; these are as follows:

Capital Adequacy

It is essential to provide an installment of the share capital amount for the registration of your company setup in Dubai. Every free zone holds its own requirements for the share capital deposit; you can be enlightened on this by the authorities of that free zone.

Types of Share Capital Installments

You can provide two types of installments to the share capital for your business setup in the UAE; these are as follows:

  • Authorized: You don’t have to provide any installments to the share capital.
  • Paid-up: You have to provide the installment and present proof.

Facilities and Workers

To choose a free zone, you will have to pay attention to the number of facilities and workers you are using for your UAE company formation. You can get storage houses and office spaces, but these should be limited to your free zone only and not outside your given limits.

Visas Procedure

If you own a foreign business organization and you have a business license in Dubai, then you have to provide yourself and your employees with visas for the UAE from a respected authority. This is important because the free zone you choose to have will be contingent on the number of visas you own; different areas require their own visas.

The Situation of the Free Zone

Choosing the right location for your free zone is also an important task, looking at how you do your business and which routes you transport your goods through; some free zones are nearer to the airports while others are to the sea, and selecting a strategic point is beneficial to your company.

Ending Note

If you follow all these instructions, you might find the free zone that best suits your company. It may seem like a ton of work, but with the help of experts and specialists, it’s not that hard. Give us a call at +971 4 4273293 or email us at for more information.

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